Bennetts Shoe Service can provide all your shoe repairs or clothing needs in the Invercargill area.
Bennetts Shoe Service can provide all your shoe repairs or clothing needs in the Invercargill area.
Bennetts Shoe Service can provide all your shoe repairs or clothing needs in the Invercargill area.
Bennetts Shoe Service owner Hamish Murie is Invercargill's shoe doctor and, repairing 250 pairs of shoes a week, he has become something of an expert on keeping shoes in top condition.He is a mad keen cyclist and he still plays cricket.He is the proud coach of the Marist year 5/6 cricket team.
Ever wonder what would happen if you needed to find a shoe repairs or clothing fast? Well, look no further. Bennetts Shoe Service can provide all your shoe repairs or clothing needs in the Invercargill area.